Document number: P0958R2
Date:            2020-08-21
Project:         Programming Language C++
Audience:        SG4 - Networking
Reply-to:        Christopher Kohlhoff <>

Networking TS changes to support proposed Executors TS


The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the changes to the Networking TS to conform to the proposed Executors TS in P0443R13.

All changes are relative to N4711.

Summary of changes

This paper proposes the following changes to the Networking TS:

In addition, this paper proposes a minor extension to the executors proposal in P0443R13. This extension enables the use of the polymorphic wrapper execution::any_executor in the Networking TS.

Deployment experience

An implementation of the changes below, including a complete implementation of the executors-related specifications P0443R13, P1348R0, and P1393R0, can be found the Asio library at and in Boost 1.74.

This implementation has been used to recompile libraries that depend on Asio, and has been tested in a number of applications. Some library modifications were required, but the majority of the applications needed minor or no modifications.

Proposed wording

Add a reference to the executors proposal

Add a reference to the executors proposal in -5- Namespaces and headers [namespaces]:

-2- Unless otherwise specified, references to other entities described in this Technical Specification are assumed to be qualified with std::experimental::net::v1::, references to entities described in the C++ standard are assumed to be qualified with std::, and references to entities described in C++ Extensions for Library Fundamentals are assumed to be qualified with std::experimental::fundamentals_v2::, and references to entities described in P1393R0 A General Property Customization Mechanism and in P0443R13 A Unified Executors Proposal for C++ are assumed to be qualified with std::.

Remove superseded executor_work_guard and make_work_guard

Remove executor_work_guard from -12.1- Header <experimental/netfwd> synopsis [fwd.decl.synop]:

  template<class Executor>
    class executor_work_guard;

Remove executor_work_guard and make_work_guard from -13.1- Header <experimental/executor> synopsis [async.synop]:

  template<class Executor>
    class executor_work_guard;

  // 13.17, make_work_guard:

  template<class Executor>
      make_work_guard(const Executor& ex);
  template<class ExecutionContext>
    executor_work_guard<typename ExecutionContext::executor_type>
      make_work_guard(ExecutionContext& ctx);
  template<class T>
      make_work_guard(const T& t);
  template<class T, class U>
    auto make_work_guard(const T& t, U& u)
      -> decltype(make_work_guard(get_associated_executor(t, forward<U>(u))));

Remove sections -13.16- Class template executor_work_guard [] and -13.17- Function make_work_guard [] in their entirety.

Remove Executor requirements and is_executor type trait

Modify Table 3 - Template parameters and type requirements [summary] as follows:

Executor executor (13.2.2)
execution::executor concept (P0443R13)

Remove is_executor and is_executor_v from -13.1- Header <experimental/executor> synopsis [async.synop]:

  template<class T> struct is_executor;

  template<class T>
    constexpr bool is_executor_v = is_executor<T>::value;

Remove section -13.2.2- Executor requirements [async.reqmts.executor] in its entirety.

Modify Table 5 - ExecutionContext requirements [async.reqmts.executioncontext] as follows:

expression return type assertion/note pre/post-condition
X::executor_type type meeting Executor (13.2.2) requirements
A type satisfying the execution::executor concept (P0443R13).

Modify section - I/O executor [] as follows.

-1- An asynchronous operation has an associated executor satisfying the Executor (13.2.2) requirementsexecution::executor concept (P0443R13). If not otherwise specified by the asynchronous operation, this associated executor is an object of type system_executor.


-3- Let Executor1 be the type of the associated executor. Let ex1 be a value of type Executor1, representing the associated executor object obtained as described above. can_query_v<Executor1, execution::context_t> shall be true, and std::query(ex1, execution::context_t) shall yield a value of type execution_context& or of type E&, where E satisifies the ExecutionContext (13.2.3) requirements.

Modify section - Completion handler executor [async.reqmts.async.handler.exec] as follows.

-1- A completion handler object of type CompletionHandler has an associated executor satisfying the Executor requirements (13.2.2)execution::executor concept (P0443R13). The type of this associated executor is associated_executor_t<CompletionHandler, Executor1>. Let Executor2 be the type associated_executor_t<CompletionHandler, Executor1>. Let ex2 be a value of type Executor2 obtained by performing get_associated_executor(completion_handler, ex1). can_query_v<Executor2, execution::context_t> shall be true, and std::query(ex2, execution::context_t) shall yield a value of type execution_context& or of type E&, where E satisifies the ExecutionContext (13.2.3) requirements.

Modify section - Composed asynchronous operations [async.reqmts.async.composed] as follows.

An intermediate operation's completion handler shall have an associated executor that is either:

Remove section -13.9- Class template is_executor [] in its entirety.

Modify section -13.10- Executor argument tag [async.executor.arg] as follows.

The executor_arg_t struct is an empty structure type used as a unique type to disambiguate constructor and function overloading. Specifically, types may have constructors with executor_arg_t as the first argument, immediately followed by an argument of a type that satisfies the Executor requirements (13.2.2)execution::executor concept (P0443R13).

Modify section -13.12- Class template associated_executor [async.assoc.exec] as follows.

-1- Class template associated_executor is an associator (13.2.6) for the Executor (13.2.2) type requirementsexecutors, with default candidate type system_executor and default candidate object system_executor().

Modify Table 9 - associated_executor specialization requirements as follows:

Expression Return type Note
typename X::type A type meeting Executor requirements (13.2.2)
A type satisfying the execution::executor concept (P0443R13).

Modify section -13.13- Function get_associated_executor [async.assoc.exec.get] as follows.

-3- Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_executor_v<Executor> is trueis_convertible<Executor&, execution_context&>::value is false.

Modify section -13.14- Class template executor_binder [async.exec.binder] as follows.

-1- The class template executor_binder binds executors to objects. A specialization executor_binder<T, Executor> binds an executor of type Executor satisfying the Executor requirements (13.2.2)execution::executor concept (P0443R13) to an object or function of type T.

Modify section -13.15- Function bind_executor [async.bind.executor] as follows.

-2- Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_executor_v<Executor> is trueis_convertible<Executor&, execution_context&>::value is false.

Modify section -13.22- Function dispatch [async.dispatch] as follows.

-8- Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_executor_v<Executor> is trueis_convertible<Executor&, execution_context&>::value is false.

Modify section -13.23- Function post [] as follows.

-8- Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_executor_v<Executor> is trueis_convertible<Executor&, execution_context&>::value is false.

Modify section -13.24- Function defer [async.defer] as follows.

-8- Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_executor_v<Executor> is trueis_convertible<Executor&, execution_context&>::value is false.

Modify section -13.25- Class template strand [async.strand] as follows.

-1- The class template strand is a wrapper around an object of type Executor satisfying the execution::executor concept (13.2.2P0443R13).


-2- strand<Executor> satisfies the Executor (13.2.2) requirementsexecution::executor concept (P0443R13).

Modify Table 17 - AsyncReadStream requirements [] as follows:

operation type semantics, pre/post-conditions
a.get_executor() A type satisfying the Executor requirements (13.2.2)execution::executor concept (P0443R13). Returns the associated I/O executor.

Modify Table 19 - AsyncWriteStream requirements [] as follows:

operation type semantics, pre/post-conditions
a.get_executor() A type satisfying the Executor requirements (13.2.2)execution::executor concept (P0443R13). Returns the associated I/O executor.

Specify the "Requirements on asynchronous operations" in terms of the new executors model

Modify section - Outstanding work [] as follows.

-1- Until the asynchronous operation has completed, the asynchronous operation shall maintain:

Modify section - Execution of completion handler on completion of asynchronous operation [async.reqmts.async.completion] as follows:

-3- If an asynchronous operation completes immediately (that is, within the thread of execution calling the initiating function, and before the initiating function returns), the completion handler shall be submitted for execution as if by, alloc2). Otherwise, the completion handler shall be submitted for execution as if by performing ex2.dispatch(std::move(f), alloc2).:

      std::require(ex2, execution::blocking.never),

Otherwise, the completion handler shall be submitted for execution as if by performing:

    std::prefer(work2, execution::blocking.possibly,

Update system_executor and system_context to conform to the new executors model

Remove system_executor from, and add system_context to, -12.1- Header <experimental/netfwd> synopsis [fwd.decl.synop]:

  class system_executor;
  class system_context;

Update system_executor to be a type alias in -13.1- Header <experimental/executor> synopsis [async.synop]:

  class system_executor;
  class system_context;
  using system_executor = system_context::executor_type;

  bool operator==(const system_executor&, const system_executor&);
  bool operator!=(const system_executor&, const system_executor&);

Remove section -13.18- Class system_executor [async.system.exec] in its entirety.

Modify section -13.19- Class system_context [async.system.context] as follows:

-1- Class system_context implements the execution context associated with system_executor objectsan execution context that represents the ability to run a submitted function object on any thread.

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
namespace net {
inline namespace v1 {

  class system_context : public execution_context
    // types:

    using executor_type = system_executorsee below;


-2- The class system_context satisfies the ExecutionContext (13.2.3) type requirements.

-?- executor_type is an executor type conforming to the specification for system_context executor types described below. Executor objects of type executor_type have the following properties established:

-?- system_context executors having a different set of established properties may be represented by distinct, unspecified types. Function objects submitted via a system_context executor object are permitted to execute on any thread. To satisfy the requirements for the execution::blocking.never property, a system_context executor may create thread objects to run the submitted function objects. These thread objects are collectively referred to as system threads.


executor_type get_executor() noexcept;

-5- Returns: system_executor()executor_type().

After section -13.19- Class system_context [async.system.context] insert a new section as follows:

-13.?- system_context executor types

-1- All executor types accessible through system_context::executor_type(), system_context::get_executor(), and subsequent calls to the member function require, conform to the following specification.

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
namespace net {
inline namespace v1 {

  class system-context-executor
    // construct / copy / destroy:

    system-context-executor() {}

    // executor operations:

    see below require(execution::blocking_t::possibly_t) const;
    see below require(execution::blocking_t::never_t) const;
    see below require(execution::blocking_t::always_t) const;
    see below require(execution::relationship_t::fork_t) const;
    see below require(execution::relationship_t::continuation_t) const;
    see below require(execution::allocator_t<void>) const;
    template<class ProtoAllocator>
      see below require(const execution::allocator_t<ProtoAllocator>& a) const;

    static constexpr execution::mapping_t query(execution::mapping_t) noexcept;
    system_context& query(execution::context_t) const noexcept;
    execution::blocking_t query(execution::blocking_t) const noexcept;
    execution::relationship_t query(execution::relationship_t) const noexcept;
    see below query(execution::allocator_t<void>) const noexcept;
    template<class ProtoAllocator>
      see below query(const execution::allocator_t<ProtoAllocator>&) const noexcept;

    template<class Function>
      void execute(Function&& f) const;

  bool operator==(const system-context-executor& a, const system-context-executor& b) noexcept;
  bool operator!=(const system-context-executor& a, const system-context-executor& b) noexcept;

} // inline namespace v1
} // namespace net
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

-2- system-context-executor is a type satisfying the execution::executor concept (P0443R13).

-13.?.1- system_context executor operations

see below require(execution::blocking_t::possibly_t) const;
see below require(execution::blocking_t::never_t) const;
see below require(execution::blocking_t::always_t) const;
see below require(execution::relationship_t::fork_t) const;
see below require(execution::relationship_t::continuation_t) const;

-1- Returns: A system_context executor object of an unspecified type conforming to these specifications, with the requested property established. When the requested property is part of a group that is defined as a mutually exclusive set, any other properties in the group are removed from the returned executor object. All other properties of the returned executor object are identical to those of *this.

see below require(execution::allocator_t<void>) const;

-2- Returns: require(execution::allocator(std::allocator<void>())).

template<class ProtoAllocator>
  see below require(const execution::allocator_t<ProtoAllocator>& a) const;

-3- Returns: A system_context executor object of an unspecified type conforming to these specifications, with the execution::allocator_t<ProtoAllocator> property established such that allocation and deallocation associated with function submission will be performed using a copy of a.value(). All other properties of the returned executor object are identical to those of *this.

static constexpr execution::mapping_t query(execution::mapping_t) noexcept;

-4- Returns: true.

system_context& query(execution::context_t) const;

-5- Returns: A reference to the system_context object.

execution::blocking_t query(execution::blocking_t) const noexcept;
execution::relationship_t query(execution::relationship_t) const noexcept;

-6- Returns: The established value of the property for the executor object *this.

see below query(execution::allocator_t<void>) const noexcept;
template<class ProtoAllocator>
  see below query(const execution::allocator_t<ProtoAllocator>&) const noexcept;

-7- Returns: The allocator object associated with the executor, with type and value as previously established by the execution::allocator_t<ProtoAllocator> property.

template<class Function>
  void execute(Function&& f) const

-8- Effects: Submits the function f for execution according to the execution::executor concept and the properties established for *this. If f exits via an exception, calls std::terminate().

-13.?.2- system_context executor comparisons

bool operator==(const system-context-executor& a, const system-context-executor& b) noexcept;

-1- Returns: true if a and b have identical properties, otherwise false.

bool operator!=(const system-context-executor& a, const system-context-executor& b) noexcept;

-2- Returns: !(a == b).

Remove the polymorphic wrapper executor and replace it with a type alias

Remove executor, and add a new type alias any_io_executor, in -12.1- Header <experimental/netfwd> synopsis [fwd.decl.synop]:

  class executor;

  namespace execution {
    template<class... SupportableProperties> class any_executor;
    template<class T> struct context_as_t;
    template<class T> struct prefer_only;
  } // namespace execution

  using any_io_executor = execution::any_executor<

Assuming the changes in P1322 have been applied, use any_io_executor as the default executor in -12.1- Header <experimental/netfwd> synopsis [fwd.decl.synop]:

  template<class Clock> struct wait_traits;
  template<class Clock, class WaitTraits = wait_traits<Clock>, class Executor = any_io_executor>
    class basic_waitable_timer;
  using system_timer = basic_waitable_timer<chrono::system_clock>;
  using steady_timer = basic_waitable_timer<chrono::steady_clock>;
  using high_resolution_timer = basic_waitable_timer<chrono::high_resolution_clock>;

  template<class Protocol, class Executor = any_io_executor>
    class basic_socket;
  template<class Protocol, class Executor = any_io_executor>
    class basic_datagram_socket;
  template<class Protocol, class Executor = any_io_executor>
    class basic_stream_socket;
  template<class Protocol, class Executor = any_io_executor>
    class basic_socket_acceptor;
  template<class Protocol, class Clock = chrono::steady_clock,
    class WaitTraits = wait_traits<Clock>, class Executor = any_io_executor>
      class basic_socket_streambuf;
  template<class Protocol, class Clock = chrono::steady_clock,
    class WaitTraits = wait_traits<Clock>, class Executor = any_io_executor>
      class basic_socket_iostream;

  namespace ip {


    template<class InternetProtocol, class Executor = any_io_executor>
      class basic_resolver;

Remove classes bad_executor and executor, and add a new type alias any_io_executor, in -13.1- Header <experimental/executor> synopsis [async.synop]:

  class bad_executor;

  class executor;

  bool operator==(const executor& a, const executor& b) noexcept;
  bool operator==(const executor& e, nullptr_t) noexcept;
  bool operator==(nullptr_t, const executor& e) noexcept;
  bool operator!=(const executor& a, const executor& b) noexcept;
  bool operator!=(const executor& e, nullptr_t) noexcept;
  bool operator!=(nullptr_t, const executor& e) noexcept;
  using any_io_executor = execution::any_executor<


} // inline namespace v1
} // namespace net
} // namespace experimental

  template<class Allocator>
    struct uses_allocator<experimental::net::v1::executor, Allocator>
      : true_type {};

} // namespace std

Remove sections -13.20- Class bad_executor [async.bad.exec] and -13.21- Class executor [async.executor] in their entirety.

Assuming the changes in P1322 have been applied, use any_io_executor as the default executor in -15.1- Header <experimental/timer> synopsis [timer.synop]:

  template<class Clock, class WaitTraits = wait_traits<Clock>, class Executor = any_io_executor>
    class basic_waitable_timer;

Assuming the changes in P1322 have been applied, use any_io_executor as the default executor in -18.1- Header <experimental/socket> synopsis [socket.synop]:

  // Sockets:

  class socket_base;

  template<class Protocol, class Executor = any_io_executor>
    class basic_socket;

  template<class Protocol, class Executor = any_io_executor>
    class basic_datagram_socket;

  template<class Protocol, class Executor = any_io_executor>
    class basic_stream_socket;

  template<class Protocol, class Executor = any_io_executor>
    class basic_socket_acceptor;

  // [socket.iostreams], Socket streams:

  template<class Protocol, class Clock = chrono::steady_clock,
    class WaitTraits = wait_traits<Clock>, class Executor = any_io_executor>
      class basic_socket_streambuf;

  template<class Protocol, class Clock = chrono::steady_clock,
    class WaitTraits = wait_traits<Clock>, class Executor = any_io_executor>
      class basic_socket_iostream;

Assuming the changes in P1322 have been applied, use any_io_executor as the default executor in -21.1- Header <experimental/internet> synopsis [internet.synop]:

  template<class InternetProtocol, class Executor = any_io_executor>
    class basic_resolver;

Specify the free functions dispatch, post, and defer in terms of the new executors model

Modify section -13.22- Function dispatch [async.dispatch] as follows:

-1- [Note: The function dispatch satisfies the requirements for an asynchronous operation (13.2.7), except for the requirement that the operation uses postthe execution::blocking.never property if it completes immediately. --end note]


-3- Effects:


-6- Effects:

Modify section -13.23- Function post [] as follows:

-3- Effects:


-6- Effects:

Modify section -13.24- Function defer [async.defer] as follows:

-1- [Note: The function defer satisfies the requirements for an asynchronous operation (13.2.7), except for the requirement that the operation uses post if it completes immediately. --end note]


-3- Effects:


-6- Effects:

Update the strand adapter to conform to the new executors model

Modify section -13.25- Class template strand [async.strand] as follows:

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
namespace net {
inline namespace v1 {

  template<class Executor>
  class strand


    execution_context& context() const noexcept;

    void on_work_started() const noexcept;
    void on_work_finished() const noexcept;

    template<class Func, class ProtoAllocator>
      void dispatch(Func&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a) const;
    template<class Func, class ProtoAllocator>
      void post(Func&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a) const;
    template<class Func, class ProtoAllocator>
      void defer(Func&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a) const;

    template<class Property>
      see below query(const Property& p) const;

    template<class Property>
      see below require(const Property& p) const;

    template<class Property>
      see below prefer(const Property& p) const;

    template<class Function>
      void execute(Function&& f) const;


-3- A strand provides guarantees of ordering and non-concurrency. Given:

Modify section -13.25.4- strand operations [async.strand.ops] as follows:

bool running_in_this_thread() const noexcept;

-2- Returns: true if the current thread of execution is running a function that was submitted to the strand, or to any other strand object s such that s == *this, using dispatch, post or deferthat shares the same ordered, non-concurrent state, using execute; otherwise false. [Note: That is, the current thread of execution's call chain includes a function that was submitted to the strand. --end note]

void on_work_started() const noexcept;

-4- Effects: Calls inner_ex_.on_work_started().

void on_work_finished() const noexcept;

-5- Effects: Calls inner_ex_.on_work_finished().

template<class Func, class ProtoAllocator>
  void dispatch(Func&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a) const;

-6- Effects: If running_in_this_thread() is true, calls DECAY_COPY(forward<Func>(f))() (C++ 2014 [thread.decaycopy]). [Note: If f exits via an exception, the exception propagates to the caller of dispatch(). --end note] Otherwise, requests invocation of f, as if by forwarding the function object f and allocator a to the executor inner_ex_, such that the guarantees of ordering and non-concurrency are met.

template<class Func, class ProtoAllocator>
  void post(Func&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a) const;

-7- Effects: Requests invocation of f, as if by forwarding the function object f and allocator a to the executor inner_ex_, such that the guarantees of ordering and non-concurrency are met.

template<class Func, class ProtoAllocator> void defer(Func&& f, const ProtoAllocator& a) const;

-8- Effects: Requests invocation of f, as if by forwarding the function object f and allocator a to the executor inner_ex_, such that the guarantees of ordering and non-concurrency are met.

template<class Property>
  see below query(const Property& p) const;

-?- Returns: std::query(inner_ex_, p).

-?- Remarks: Shall not participate in overload resolution unless can_query_v<const Executor&, const Property&> is true.

template<class Property>
  see below require(const Property& p) const;

-?- Returns: A strand s of type strand<decay_t<decltype(std::require(inner_ex_, p))>>, where s.inner_ex_ is initialized with std::require(inner_ex_, p), and sharing the same ordered, non-concurrent state as *this.

-?- Remarks: Shall not participate in overload resolution unless can_require_v<const Executor&, const Property&> is true.

template<class Property>
  see below prefer(const Property& p) const;

-?- Returns: A strand s of type strand<decay_t<decltype(std::prefer(inner_ex_, p))>>, where s.inner_ex_ is initialized with std::prefer(inner_ex_, p), and sharing the same ordered, non-concurrent state as *this.

-?- Remarks: Shall not participate in overload resolution unless can_prefer_v<const Executor&, const Property&> is true.

template<class Function>
  void execute(Function&& f) const;

-?- Effects: Submits f to the executor inner_ex_, such that the guarantees of ordering and non-concurrency are met.

Update the use_future completion token to conform to the new executors model

Modify section -13.26.2- use_future_t members [async.use.future.members] as follows:

-8- For any executor type E, the associated object for the associator associated_executor<H, E> is an executor where, for function objects executed using the executor's dispatch(), post() or defer() functionsexecute() function, any exception thrown is caught by a function object and stored in the associated shared state.

Modify section -13.26.3- Partial class template specialization async_result for use_future_t [async.use.future.result] as follows:

-3- The implementation specializes associated_executor for F. For function objects executed using the associated executor's dispatch(), post() or defer() functionsexecute() function, any exception thrown is caught by the executor and stored in the associated shared state.

-4- For any executor type E, the associated object for the associator associated_executor<F, E> is an executor where, for function objects executed using the executor's dispatch(), post() or defer() functionsexecute() function, any exception thrown by a function object is caught by the executor and stored in the associated shared state.

Update io_context to conform to the new executors model

Modify section -14.2- Class io_context [io_context.io_context] as follows:

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
namespace net {
inline namespace v1 {

  class io_context : public execution_context
    // types:

    class executor_type;
    using executor_type = see below;


-1- The class io_context satisfies the ExecutionContext type requirements (13.2.3).

-?- executor_type is an executor type conforming to the specification for io_context executor types described below.


-4- For an object of type io_context, outstanding work is defined as the sum of:


executor_type get_executor() noexcept;

-3- Returns: An executor that may be used for submitting function objects to the io_context. The returned executor has the following properties already established:

-?- io_context executors having a different set of established properties may be represented by distinct, unspecified types.


-13- Remarks: This function may invoke additional function objects through nested calls to the io_context executor's dispatchexecute member function. These do not count towards the return value.


-19- Remarks: This function may invoke additional function objects through nested calls to the io_context executor's dispatchexecute member function. These do not count towards the return value.


-25- Remarks: This function may invoke additional function objects through nested calls to the io_context executor's dispatchexecute member function. These do not count towards the return value.

Remove section -14.3- Class io_context::executor_type [io_context.exec] in its entirety.

After section -14.2- Class io_context [io_context.io_context] insert a new section as follows:

-14.?- io_context executor types

All executor types accessible through io_context::get_executor(), and subsequent calls to the member function require, conform to the following specification.

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
namespace net {
inline namespace v1 {

  class io-context-executor
    // construct / copy / destroy:

    io-context-executor(const io-context-executor& other) noexcept;
    io-context-executor(io-context-executor&& other) noexcept;

    io-context-executor& operator=(const io-context-executor& other) noexcept;
    io-context-executor& operator=(io-context-executor&& other) noexcept;

    // executor operations:

    see below require(execution::blocking_t::possibly_t) const;
    see below require(execution::blocking_t::never_t) const;
    see below require(execution::relationship_t::fork_t) const;
    see below require(execution::relationship_t::continuation_t) const;
    see below require(execution::outstanding_work_t::untracked_t) const;
    see below require(execution::outstanding_work_t::tracked_t) const;
    see below require(execution::allocator_t<void>) const;
    template<class ProtoAllocator>
      see below require(const execution::allocator_t<ProtoAllocator>& a) const;

    static constexpr execution::mapping_t query(execution::mapping_t) noexcept;
    io_context& query(execution::context_t) const noexcept;
    execution::blocking_t query(execution::blocking_t) const noexcept;
    execution::relationship_t query(execution::relationship_t) const noexcept;
    execution::outstanding_work_t query(execution::outstanding_work_t) const noexcept;
    see below query(execution::allocator_t<void>) const noexcept;
    template<class ProtoAllocator>
      see below query(const execution::allocator_t<ProtoAllocator>&) const noexcept;

    bool running_in_this_thread() const noexcept;

    template<class Function>
      void execute(Function&& f) const;

  bool operator==(const io-context-executor& a, const io-context-executor& b) noexcept;
  bool operator!=(const io-context-executor& a, const io-context-executor& b) noexcept;

} // inline namespace v1
} // namespace net
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace std

-1- io-context-executor is a type satisfying the execution::executor concept (P0443R13). Objects of type io-context-executor are associated with an io_context, and function objects submitted using the execute member function will be executed by the io_context from within a run function.

-14.?.1- io_context executor constructors

io-context-executor(const io-context-executor& other) noexcept;

-1- Postconditions: *this == other.

io-context-executor(io-context-executor&& other) noexcept;

-2- Postconditions: *this is equal to the prior value of other.

-14.?.2- io_context executor assignment

io-context-executor& operator=(const io-context-executor& other) noexcept;

-1- Postconditions: *this == other.

-2- Returns: *this.

io-context-executor& operator=(io-context-executor&& other) noexcept;

-3- Postconditions: *this is equal to the prior value of other.

-4- Returns: *this.

-14.?.3- io_context executor operations

see below require(execution::blocking_t::possibly_t) const;
see below require(execution::blocking_t::never_t) const;
see below require(execution::relationship_t::fork_t) const;
see below require(execution::relationship_t::continuation_t) const;
see below require(execution::outstanding_work_t::untracked_t) const;
see below require(execution::outstanding_work_t::tracked_t) const;

-1- Returns: An executor object of an unspecified type conforming to these specifications, associated with the same io_context as *this, and having the requested property established. When the requested property is part of a group that is defined as a mutually exclusive set, any other properties in the group are removed from the returned executor object. All other properties of the returned executor object are identical to those of *this.

see below require(execution::allocator_t<void>) const;

-2- Returns: require(execution::allocator(std::allocator<void>())).

template<class ProtoAllocator>
  see below require(const execution::allocator_t<ProtoAllocator>& a) const;

-3- Returns: An executor object of an unspecified type conforming to these specifications, associated with the same io_context as *this, with the execution::allocator_t<ProtoAllocator> property established such that allocation and deallocation associated with function submission will be performed using a copy of a.value(). All other properties of the returned executor object are identical to those of *this.

static constexpr execution::mapping_t query(execution::execution::mapping_t) noexcept;

-4- Returns: true.

io_context& query(execution::context_t) const noexcept;

-5- Returns: A reference to the associated io_context object.

execution::blocking_t query(execution::blocking_t) const noexcept;
execution::relationship_t query(execution::relationship_t) const noexcept;
execution::outstanding_work_t query(execution::outstanding_work_t) const noexcept;

-6- Returns: The established value of the property for the executor object *this.

see below query(execution::allocator_t<void>) const noexcept;
template<class ProtoAllocator>
  see below query(const execution::allocator_t<ProtoAllocator>&) const noexcept;

-7- Returns: The allocator object associated with the executor, with type and value as previously established by the execution::allocator_t<ProtoAllocator> property.

bool running_in_this_thread() const noexcept;

-8- Returns: true if the current thread of execution is calling a run function of the associated io_context object. [Note: That is, the current thread of execution's call chain includes a run function. --end note]

template<class Function>
  void execute(Function&& f) const

-9- Effects: Submits the function f for execution on the io_context according to the execution::executor concept and the properties established for *this. If f exits via an exception, the exception does not propagate to the caller of execute(), but is instead subsequently propagated to a caller of a run function for the io_context object.

-14.?.4- io_context executor comparisons

bool operator==(const io-context-executor& a, const io-context-executor& b) noexcept;

-1- Returns: true if addressof(a.query(execution::context_t)) == addressof(b.query(execution::context_t)), and a and b have identical properties, otherwise false.

bool operator!=(const io-context-executor& a, const io-context-executor& b) noexcept;

-2- Returns: !(a == b).

Proposed Extension to P0443R13 A Unified Executors Proposal for C++

The asynchronous operation requirements specified above stipulate that querying the execution::context_t property for Networking TS executors returns a type of either execution_context&, or of E& where E is a type that is unambiguously derived from execution_context.

However, the execution::context_t property as currently specified in P0443 uses std::any as its polymorphic_query_result_type. This prevents the polymorphic wrapper execution::any_io_executor from satisfying the above requirements.

For this reason, this paper proposes the following extension to P0443R13.

Add the following context_as_t<> property adapter. This adapter allows us to expose the execution::context_t property through the polymorphic wrapper using a polymorphic query type of our choosing.

-?- Struct context_as_t

-?- The context_as_t struct is a property adapter for the context_t property, to specify a polymorphic_query_result_type.

-?- [Example: context_as_t may be used with the polymorphic wrapper executor to expose the query-only property context_t using a suitable polymorphic type:

static_thread_pool pool;

  > my_executor(pool.executor());

// ...

static_thread_pool& ctx =
  std::query(my_executor, execution::context);

--end example]

template<class T>
struct context_as_t
  template <typename U>
  static constexpr bool is_applicable_property_v
    = executor<U> || sender<U> || scheduler<U>;

  static constexpr bool is_requirable = false;
  static constexpr bool is_preferable = false;

  using polymorphic_query_result_type = T;

  template<class Executor>
    static constexpr T static_query_v
      = context_t::static_query_v<Executor>;

  constexpr context_as_t() {}
  constexpr context_as_t(execution::context_t) {}

  template<class Executor, class Property>
  friend constexpr T query(const Executor& ex, const Property& p)
    noexcept(noexcept(std::query(ex, execution::context)))
      -> decltype(std::query(ex, execution::context));

template<class T>
constexpr context_as_t context_as;

-?- The expression context_as_t<T>::static_query_v<E> is well-formed for some executor type E if and only if the expression context_t::static_query_v<E> is well-formed and can be used to initialize a constant of type T.

template<class Executor, class Property>
friend constexpr T query(const Executor& ex, const Property& p)
  noexcept(noexcept(std::query(ex, execution::context)))

-?- Returns: std::query(ex,

-?- Remarks: Shall not participate in overload resolution unless std::is_same_v<Property, context_as_t> is true, and the expression std::query(ex, execution::context) is well-formed.

Revision History

The following changes were made in revision 2 of this paper:

The following changes were made in revision 1 of this paper: