SC22/WG20 N1079 Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 15:36:53 +0200 From: Keld Jørn Simonsen To: Cc: Subject: (SC22WG20.4699) WG20 internationalization survey Dear members of WG14, WG20 is planning to make a collection of web pages to record the state of the art wrt. internationalization in standard programming languages, and other standards. The pages could contain information about what is built into the language, such as character string support for different character sets, extended identifier support, what is available via standard libraries, and what resources and data formats that are employed. In the longer run, the information contained in the web pages could be turned into an ISO TR on the subject. WG20 will hereby like to ask if WG14 or members thereof could contribute to these WG20 web pages. Best regards Keld Simonsen